Hey, we are a service club for ages 12 to 18. We offer a great opportunity for you to get involved in a creative and fun way to help people and the environment. We are supervised by our sponsor club Rotary Club Munich International. The interact network consists of almost half a million members. And you can join too! Just attend one of our meetings!
People of Action
We Interactors have the desire to contribute and make a difference. Sure, we support, but we also take action. Because Interactors are people of action. Each year we undertake at least two projects: one local and one international. This way we support our community and the world.

Local Projects
Here in Munich, there are many ways to give back to the community. For example, we can fundraise at the Munich International School Winterfest. Or help Rotary Club Munich International set up the annual art auction.

International Projects
Whether we are supporting the organisation “Kindern eine Chance” or the World Literacy Foundation, we always aim to give back to the entire world. Our projects are internationally active as well.
Unsere KAUF EINS MEHR AKTION 2023, die wir nach 2022 zum zweiten Mal zusammen mit unseren Freundinnen und Freunden von Rotaract durchgeführt haben, war mega erfolgreich. Wir konnten die Konstanzer Tafel mit insgesamt 30 Kisten voller gespendeter Produkte unterstützen. Im Moment arbeiten wir an der Planung unserer nächsten Sozialaktionen und haben bereits viele Ideen.
Schaut hier auf der Website bei unseren Projekten vorbei, um mehr darüber zu erfahren, was wir so tun.
Interact Award
Here’s our submission for the 2023 Interact Awards. More info to the task is here: https://www.rotary.org/en/interact-awards
Our 3 pillars
Friendship is our priority, as our motto is HELPING; LEARNING; FRIENDSHIP. This way we have something in common with our friends over at Rotaract.
There are many projects which we support, but we also come up with our own service projects, that we set into action with the help of our partners and sponsors.
We provide many opportunities for lectures and courses during our meetings. This way we are not only expanding our knowledge but also our skills.
We hope to build new friendships and connections. That is why we go on regular excursions and do different fun activities, like bowling for example. We support each other because we are stronger together.

Are you between the ages of 12 and 18? Would you like to get to know our club better? Then take a look at the info about membership. Maybe we are the right fit for you.

We are always on the look out for partners and sponsors to support our projects and club activities. You can find out more about these opportunities under “Get involved”.